Turning Points is a powerful and insightful reading that doesn't require tarot cards, palms, astrology or numerology, just pure clairvoyance. During your reading Paul will sit with you, quietly examining images from your past, the present and your future. He’ll detail major life events and describe important people and situations, often giving your age when events will occur. A Turning Points reading offers a glimpse of the bigger picture of your life and it can clarify your purpose here in life. Remember, you have free-will to change anything that is predicted.
Preparing for future opportunities can ensure that you make the very most of an opening for advancement, happiness or success. This is the perfect reading for when you need inspiration and focus to move forward. Don’t leave your destiny to chance. This 50-60-minute whole-life reading examines past options, both pursued and ignored, current openings for growth and happiness plus future opportunities to prepare for. After all, there’s no point of knowing the future unless you’re prepared for it when it arrives.
This powerful and insightful reading doesn't rely on tarot cards, palms, astrology or numerology, just pure clairvoyance. During your 50 minute reading Paul will sit with you, quietly examining images from your past, the present and your future. He’ll detail major life events, and describe important people and situations, often giving your age when events will occur.
Tarot / Clairvoyant readings are specific, short-term readings, covering the past two years, the present and up to the next two years. They are best suited to clear questions about love relationships, career, health, travel, financial investments and children. After a general reading covering the past, the present and the future, you can ask up to five specific questions. Paul can help you to carefully word your questions for increased accuracy if required.