An astrology chart is a simple map of the heavens when you were born. Natal or birth charts are useful for understanding your character, your talents and your basic lessons this life time. To erect a natal chart your date, time and location of birth are required and if you don't have an accurate time of birth a Solar chart can be erected. A solar chart is a chart set for the time of sunrise and although it is not as accurate as a natal chart, it still offers worthwhile insights into character and your nature. A transits chart offers insight into the coming year ahead, revealing the opportunities and the obstacles ahead, allowing you to prepare for them. A Synastry chart offers insight into relationships such as love relationships or a parent and child relationship. This chart reveals the likely opportunities and frustrations within relationships and can offer practical steps toward better communication.
An astrology chart is a simple map of the heavens when you were born. Natal or birth charts are useful for understanding your character, your talents and your basic lessons this life time. This printed chart includes 15 - 20 pages of text and two colour printed chart wheels in a slimline folder. If you opt for the email version, it's a quick turnaround (usually 48 hours) with a PDF of the full text and colour chart wheel images.
A telephone, Skype or Facetime tarot reading allows you to clarify your issues from the convenience of your home or office. A 45 minute reading includes a general reading and up to six questions. It's the perfect choice if you have lots of questions or a complex issue that might require several questions before you've explored all options.
A telephone or Skype tarot reading allows you to clarify your issues from the convenience of your home or office. A 30 minute reading includes a general reading and up to four questions, while a 45 minute reading includes up to six questions. It's the perfect choice if you live overseas or are travelling and need help with a decision.