Gift voucher for Tarot / Clairvoyant reading in Epping NSW


Tarot / Clairvoyant readings are specific, short-term readings, covering the past two years, the present and up to the next two years. They are best suited to clear questions about love relationships, career, health, travel, financial investments and children. After a general reading covering the past, the present and the future, you can ask up to five specific questions. Paul can help you to carefully word your questions for increased accuracy if required.



Tarot / Clairvoyant readings are short-term readings, covering the past two years, the present and up to the next two years. You can ask specific questions about love relationships, career, health, travel, finances and children. After a general reading covering the past, the present and the future, you can ask up to five specific questions. Paul can help you to carefully word your questions for increased accuracy.

This gift certificate is valid for 12 months from purchase date and readings take place at Paul’s office in Epping NSW. Session details and contact information is on each certificate. They are available in paper or digital format.

A tarot / clairvoyant reading takes one hour and includes a recording of the session for later reference. These readings are useful when you have important decisions to make. Clairvoyance simply means ‘clear seeing’ and during your reading Paul is likely to see and describe to you images upcoming events in your life. Sometimes these images are of events further than two years into the future.

A tarot / clairvoyant reading

  • is a short-term reading, covering the next two years.
  • is best suited to immediate issues such as love relationships, financial plans or career.
  • describes those people around you who are important in your life.
  • begins with a general reading, detailing the past two years, the present and the next two years.
  • allows you to ask up to five specific questions on subjects such as love relationships, health, career, home environment, finances, travel, health or spiritual development.
  • is suitable for when you need to decide between two or more opportunities.
  • can illuminate the underlying spiritual lessons contained in a situation such as a job or a relationship.

Soon after you purchase a reading you’ll receive,

  • an email with possible times for your reading.
  • confirmation in your local time if you’re in a different time zone.
  • details on how to prepare for your session to make the most of it.

Paul provides readings on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays and if you have a preferred day, please mention it in the Notes section on the purchase page.

Which reading is right for me?

Reading times:  Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Fees:  Gift certificate for a personal one-hour reading is $160 with an emailed recording.
Bring:  Four or five questions.

Any questions? Email us

Skype, FaceTime and Zoom readings are also available.


Feedback on these readings:

Almost everything you told me last year has happened, so I’m phoning for another reading. It’s about my career this time. H.P. – Bangkok.

I just wanted to pop you a note to say thanks so much for my reading yesterday. It gave me great clarity and the courage to make some decisions and move forward from the challenging situation I have been dealing with at work. Also, I received the CD in the mail today…gosh you are organised!! I shouldn’t be shocked as you’ve always been that way! Can’t wait to listen to it and take some notes and pick up the points that I missed during the reading.  S. J. – Sydney

I received the CD of my session last Wednesday. (I’m listening to it right now while I’m eating my lunch) – and, already, two things you predicted have come true: a new job (got a promotion) and renovations (strata are going to paint the outside of our unit block). Amazing! Both are completely out of the blue.  N.W. – Sydney.


Just wanted to thank you so much the great reading on Friday. I’m so impressed by the accuracy of the tarot and really appreciate your insight. I’m feeling so much clearer and more definite about my path in life. Thank you again!  F. B. – Sydney

         Over a decade ago (maybe fifteen years?) I saw you for a psychic reading. You were convinced you saw me buying an old house, small windows, dark, cool. I thought NO WAY. It’s the complete opposite to what I would buy. I put it out of my mind. A few years after that we chatted on the phone and after enquiring how I was you asked me if I ever bought that house. I said NO WAY. I put it out of my mind. On Friday we exchanged contracts on a house that is old, dark, cool, with small windows…  I had a lightning bolt moment and it occurred to me that this is possibly what you saw in my future. You were so convinced. I was adamant it couldn’t be right….and now look! So many years later it has come to fruition. I thought I’d let you know.  Nicole – Sydney


Additional information

Emailed recording

Recording emailed within 24 hours.

Recording on CD or USB

CD or USB recording posted to you. It usually arriveds in 7 days.

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