• Tired of receiving vague answers to tarot queries? Ambiguous or confusing questions often produce unclear tarot layouts. Sometimes it’s necessary to re-word questions to increase accuracy and clarity. Frequently, important issues require several careful enquiries to produce a clear picture of events. Using situations from participants lives and client readings, we’ll examine a range of situations and identify the clearest questions possible for tarot layouts. This sharpens your focus and also improves a client’s experience. Paul is a passionate and enthusiastic teacher with myriad examples from 40 years of giving professional readings.  Handouts included.  
  • What happens when the cards say ‘No’ to someone’s desired goal? It’s time to go beyond the ‘No’ to discover what lies ahead. Frequently a negative answer simply means that there are better, more rewarding opportunities ahead. This sometimes requires focused effort from clients, in the form of homework or goal setting. This course provides an opportunity to explore workable solutions, to improve reading outcomes for clients. In this 90-minute Zoom session, Paul reveals different ways to proceed past an initial negative answer to discover alternative paths and outcomes. Why not join us to continue your tarot journey with like-minded people.


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