As a clairvoyant, I sometimes see clients whose lives have been derailed by traumatic past events. These individuals feel as though they are in the dark, fumbling around for a viable path back to spiritually rewarding lives.
Being in the dark or being spiritually undernourished is indicated through ongoing tiredness, lack of motivation and fuzzy thinking. In the extreme, people feel shattered, worthless and empty. Any of these symptoms can have physiological causes but because energy flows from spiritual down to physical, ongoing spiritual imbalances gradually filter down to becoming mental, then emotional and finally physical symptoms.
Meditation is a simple, effective way to replenish personal reserves of energy. In the 1980’s when I meditated, it was purely for practical reasons. I’d give myself 20 minutes to meditate and a list of questions to ask my guides. It never occurred to me to ask for light or to cleanse myself while I was there. I was young and impatient.
When working in London in 1988 I met a profoundly insightful clairvoyant and a powerful channel, Christine. Simply working beside her for two weeks opened me up clairvoyantly. This was an unexpected, life changing experience. I was very keen to return to the UK to learn from her.
In 1991 I studied with her for six months. We spent several hours sipping tea each day while she explained the importance of our living masters and ascended masters, who can assist us on the journey home to spirit after death. Then we’d meditate together for half an hour.
As soon as we began meditating, the phone rang, people knocked at the door and half the world seemed suddenly intent on speaking to us. Christine explained that this was because we were drawing down expansive spiritual light and like moths to the flame, people unconsciously sensed that if they contacted us, they’d feel better.
We spent two weeks in the Greek islands where I chose to have a holiday rather than meditate. This plan worked well until I came off a motorbike and Christine who was on the back, landed forcibly on top of me. Suddenly everywhere I went, I noticed how many steps were required to visit a temple, have lunch or simply walk to the beach. I was soon confined to the apartment and forced to meditate. It was then that I experienced the intense power of spiritual light during meditation. My worldview changed utterly as a result of those meditations
I engaged in an unexpected series of extremely lucid meditations and as we returned to London, Christine explained that I’d remain very clear for up to three months, after which I’d sink back to my usual state. Because I was young, it hadn’t occurred to me to use those three months to mediate every day and plan my life and my spiritual development. Instead I squandered the clarity by giving lots of clairvoyant readings to others. I quickly accumulated their dross or negative energy in my own energy field. This build up pulled me back into the physical world, making lucid meditations much more difficult to achieve.
Four months later I was back in Sydney and it seemed as though the whole process had been a dream. Fortunately I had also hand-written a book during the first three months after the Greek islands experience and these notes nourished me. For some reason, they seemed to remind me that I didn’t imagine it all and re-reading those pages sharpened my resolve to continue meditating.
A few years later I took the hand written notes and re-wrote it as a book, entitled A Secret Door to the Universe. This was published in 1999. Over the years I’ve continued to read passages from this book to remind myself about my deeper spiritual purpose. This has helped when life was bleak.
Then something surprising occurred. Readers of this book told me that they also found the same spiritual nourishment from re-visiting it and they too, read passages when times were gloomy. I thought that I felt nurtured because it was about something I had experienced. It’s possible that I felt nourished because I was in the light when writing the book and readers experience that luminescence when reading it.
I’m currently writing an advanced Intuition book and as a result of editing A Secret Door, I’m moving away from dwelling on predictive skills and techniques towards finding ways back to spiritual nourishment and then living authentically in the light.
Consciously or not, people respond to opportunities to access spiritual light, which explains why over 30 people have told me they lent their copies of A Secret Door to friends and never saw the book again. One client told me that she borrowed a copy from her local library and when she couldn’t buy a copy, she chose to pay the fine rather than return it. I’m not sure if a pilfered copy of a spiritual book is the best way to find your way back to the light.
After being out of print for 12 years, the new edition of this book was released in September 2017; in time for a new generation to discover a secret door to the universe, to a rich source of spiritual light.
© Copyright 2017 Paul Fenton-Smith.
Paul offers personal readings in Epping NSW. See Paul’s psychic cords interview on YouTube.